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Apps and tools for Instagram

Instagram is an excellent platform for businesses to grow their brand. You can use it for photos, videos, and even live videos. However, if you want to get the most out of Instagram, In this blog post, we ve compiled a list of the best iOS apps and tools for Instagram that we ve come across so far.


VSCO is a photo editing app that has many filters and effects. The app is free to download, but you can also pay for some of the premium features. You can set up your account in minutes, which includes adding all the social media accounts you want to use with VSCO.

VSCO s interface is simple enough for anyone who has used Instagram before, but it still offers plenty of options for those looking to get creative with their photos on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter as well!

You ll find a variety of different filters built into this app—you ll find everything from vintage film tones (perfect if you re trying to achieve that retro feel) through bright colors such as reds/blues/greens; there are even some watercolor effects included within this application so that users can create something truly unique when photographing landscapes inside their homes or world travel destinations abroad!

Layout from Instagram

Layout from Instagram is a free tool that allows you to create professional-looking layouts for your Instagram profile picture, cover photo and story. You can use it to combine multiple photos into one collage or create a mosaic of images in different sizes.

Layout from Instagram is available on both iOS and Android smartphones as well as computers running macOS or Windows 10.


Canva is a free and easy-to-use online design tool that can help you create graphics for your Instagram profile. You can use Canva to make collages, memes, logos and more.

Canva has hundreds of templates to choose from so you can easily find one that fits the theme of your post or photo. You can also upload photos directly from your phone or computer if you don t have a template in mind yet!


If you re into creating Instagram stories, Unfold is a must-have app. It has a wide range of templates and design elements that you can use to create professional-looking stories in just a few minutes.


Also, learn about what users prefer, here are some of the applications that our users use with Instagram

Do you have any favorite apps or tools that you use to get the most out of the platform? You can submit your favorite apps through Appollow's submit page

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